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Advert #195114

152 Airport Road - Dubai - United Arab Emirates

Weaned baby African grey parrots

A Baby African Grey 12 weeks old or fully weaned.
DNA sex tested, certificate issued.
A Hatch certificate, showing date of birth, parents names, and bird ring details.
A parrot diet sheet.
Information on Poisonous foods and plants.
Parrot Aftercare and Our Helpline Number.
Insurance Proposal Forms.
Details of Avian Vets in your area.
Enough fresh food for the day you take baby, and the following day.
And finally a pet carrier to get baby home safely.


FAQ Section

1. At what age should African GREY be weaned?

African Grey parrots should typically be weaned around the age of 12 to 14 weeks. Weaning refers to the process of transitioning a parrot from a diet of solely formula or hand-feeding to a diet that includes solid food. It is crucial to ensure that the African Grey is fully weaned before separating it from its parents or caregivers to ensure its proper growth and development.

2. What is a weaned parrot?

A weaned parrot is a bird that has successfully transitioned from being fed solely on a liquid diet (formula or hand-feeding) to consuming solid food independently. Weaning is a critical stage in a parrot’s life as it learns to eat a variety of foods and develop its natural feeding behaviors. Once a parrot is weaned, it no longer relies on hand-feeding and can sustain itself by consuming a balanced diet of seeds, pellets, fruits, vegetables, and other appropriate food items.

3. What do you feed a 6-week-old African GREY?

At six weeks of age, a young African Grey parrot is typically in the early stages of weaning. During this time, it is crucial to provide a balanced diet that includes both formula and solid foods. The primary source of nutrition for a 6-week-old African Grey will still be a specially formulated hand-feeding formula, which should be prepared according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Additionally, you can start introducing small amounts of soft, easily digestible solid foods, such as baby parrot pellets or mashed fruits and vegetables. Gradually increase the proportion of solid food while decreasing the amount of formula until the African Grey is fully weaned.

4. What do you feed a 2-month-old African Grey Parrot?

By the age of two months, an African Grey parrot should be in the later stages of weaning and transitioning to a solid food diet. At this stage, the majority of the parrot’s diet should consist of solid foods, while formula feeding becomes less frequent. Offer a variety of appropriate foods, including high-quality pellets specifically formulated for African Greys, fresh fruits, vegetables, sprouted seeds, and cooked grains. It is essential to provide a well-balanced diet that meets the nutritional needs of the growing parrot. Ensure a constant supply of fresh water is available for the parrot to drink. Regularly consult with an avian veterinarian or an experienced bird breeder for specific dietary recommendations and to monitor the parrot’s health and development during this crucial growth phase.

Country United Arab Emirates
State/Province Dubai
distance: 6 Kilometers
Address 152 Airport Road - Dubai - United Arab Emirates